Just a little heads up on frustration that you may encounter with vC Ops 5.6, which is documented in KB 2040718. Here's how it usually plays out...
The vSphere admin decides to upgrade to or install vC Ops 5.6 and hasn't yet upgraded vCenter to 5.1. The default license provided is for vCenter 5.1 installs and the product entitlement is downgraded to Foundation because the license is not recognized.
Reading the KB above the admin is able to obtain and apply the correct key. However, they see that vC Ops is STILL not licensed at the appropriate level.
Here's a pro-tip - vC Ops vApp updates license entitlement from vCenter once an hour. To immediately apply new license entitlement, run the following from the UI VM...
vcops-admin license update
...and you're good to go without needing to restart the vApp.
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